MENUS & @-CODES -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Custom user MENUS! (Now ANSI also) (Note: ANSI screens need to be made with an ANSI editor program like The Draw. Do not make these screens with @-Codes Colors or you will get a bunch of garbage on the screen.) Main menu file name must be: MAINMENU.RIP MAINMENU.ANS (Note: the Main Menu screens are the only ones that can not be altered until you register IconUpDater.) Download file menu must be: DOWNMENU.RIP DOWNMENU.ANS Info on RIP screen must be: RIPINFO.RIP RIPINFO.ANS *Forced Menu Option #1 Notice: FORCE1.RIP FORCE1.ANS **Forced Menu Option #2 Notice: FORCE2.RIP FORCE2.ANS **Forced Menu Option #3 Notice: FORCE3.RIP FORCE3.ANS ****Security Notice: SECSORRY.RIP 5* No ANSI Caller Allow Notice: NOANSI.ANS * Displayed when a caller is being Forced to Download the file under Menu Option #1. Only displayed to caller if the caller tries to enter the BBS with OUT downloading this file option#1 if you have it marked as forced. Want'a force your users to use RIPgraphics? Here you go! ** Same as above but for Menu Option #2 *** Same as above but for Menu Option #3 -why have three separate screens that perform basically the same option. More flexibility of course. I haven't test every possibility, but the @-Code variable should work through out IconUpDater, meaing you could put @HOTKEY3@ on FORCE1.RIP or FORCE2.ANS.... I will be looking for feedback since this is my first attempt at @-codes, yea easy for me to say . **** Displayed to a caller who tries to access a menu option that user does not have access to. Remember that IconUpDater uses the WildCat Menu Level, not the actual name of a security level. 5* This is displayed to callers who have connected to the BBS, but get kicked by IconUpDater because it did not dectect them as a RIP caller. FOR this to work you have to have "Y" for Yes on line #40 of your config file, which in ICSETUP is under the heading "Additional"... it ask "RIP callers ONLY:" See the section on CONFIGs for more info. @ - CODES Making your own custom screens for IconUpDater is kinda pointless, unless you can put vital variable information on the screen, like the callers name, the date the user was last online, the date your BBS's icons were last updated (from DNIOCN.CFG), etc. I have also added some- thing I thing BBS packages should have when communicating to user about a particular file, and that file @ code information. Especially when deal with new users and trying to get them which over to RIP. Well previously users had no way of know how big your icons package was, or how big RIPTM154.EXE was, until they started the transfer. Now you can inform you user at the downlaod menu exactly what you have for them. This is especially important when you are forcing a file on a user. They want to know what it is... That's why I give you... @-Code Explained ------------- ---------------------------------------------- @DLFDESC@ - DownLoad File DESCription. When a use selects a file to download from IconUpDater's main menu, and you have this @-code on the down- load menu, IconUpDater will replace it with the file description you enter in ICSETUP for that particular file. Same goes with the next three... @DLFNAME@ DownLoad File NAME. IconUpDater will replace this with the 12 character filename. No Path. @DLFSIZE@ DownLoad File SIZE. IconUpDater will, no doubt, replace this code with the actual size of the file being offered, or forced . @DLFDATE@ DownLoad File DATE. At last but not least, that actual date of the file. (format: mm/dd/yyyy) Other @-Codes @-Code Explained ------------- ---------------------------------------------- @USER@ The caller's fullname. @FIRST@ The caller's first name. @LAST@ The caller's last name. @FROM@ Where the call says he/she is from. This is read off line #11 from the DOOR.SYS file. @SECLEVEL@ The caller's WildCat security level name. (e.g. NEWUSER) @LASTON@ The date the caller was last online. (format: mm/dd/yy) @BBS@ The name of your BBS as your entered it in ICSETUP. NEW! ----> @PAUSE@ This is the same as the @PAUSE@ in Wildcat. When IconUpDater encounters a PAUSE statement it stops and waits for any key press then it will continue read in the file and sending it out the modem. (SEE SPECIAL RIP Note below) @ICDATE@ The Date your icons were last updated, either by you or ICMAINT. You should utilitize ICMAINT, it really does make things easier. (format: mm/dd/yy) @VER@ The Version if IconUpDater you are running. MAINMENU KEYS and descriptions.... @-Code Explained ------------- ---------------------------------------------- @HOTKEY1@ The HOT key you entered in ICSETUP for file option number 1. @HOTKEY2@ Ditto, but for file #2 @HOTKEY3@ Ditto, but for file #3 @DESC1@ The Rest of the Menu Option you entered into ICSETUP, for menu file option #1 @DESC2@ Ditto, but for file #2 @DESC3@ Ditto, but for file #3. Example: [@HOTKEY2@]@DESC2@ output: [G]et RIPterm Program. Please refer to the .ANS and .RIP screens I have included with the ICUPD ZIP file. Also, I have had better luck with the ANSI screens, if they are no longer than 24 line. The Draw always adds a few line feeds to the end of the ANSI file, and therefore they like to scroll offer the users screen. So just take out those extra lines. SPECIAL RIP Note: When creating RIP screens for IconUpdater make sure that the RIPscript is not separated on 2 different line with a "\". If it is IconUpDater will mess up. So when you save your RIP file make sure you set the line length for at least 100. RIPaint default it to 79 characters. -==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==- RAMSoftware (c)1994